The Study
Game Corner
Welcome to the study
As the name suggests, this is where I keep all of my resources to help me study. Specifically: links to tables, and my own personal solutions and comments to various textbook chapters.
Style guide for typesetting mathematics
Useful vim commands
Cumbersome-to-find punctuation for copying and pasting
Integral Tables
My own personal trig table
LaTeX markup of the table
My own personal integral table for use with Intro to QM by Griffiths
LaTeX markup of the table
My personal favorite Site for trig identities
Laplace Transform Properties (with derivations)
A First Course in Vibrations and Waves Soln.
Intro to Electrodynamics Soln.
Modern Quantum Mechanics notes.
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
Solid Mechanics
Curvilinear Analysis in Euclidean Space (Brannon)
Applied Mechanics of Solids (Bower)
Theory of Elasticity (Timoshenko & Goodier)
The Art of Electronics (Horowitz & Hill)
Applied Aerodynamics: A Digital Textbook
My notes
Force and mass in American engineering
4-D Chess (draft)
Gaussians for Physicists
Damped Oscillators in the Time Domain
Three useful properties of the determinant in index notation
The toroidal coordinate system
Derivation of the moment of inertia dyadic
Modeling bolt stacks as a system of springs